How Old Were The Disciples of Jesus?
The Bible doesn’t specify the exact ages of the original twelve disciples. However, many people are interested to know how old were the disciples. Nevertheless, we can make some informed observations about their ages based on historical context, clues from Scripture and from a little research into 1st century Jewish culture.
So if you are also one among them who would like to know how old were the disciples of Jesus? then read the below article.
Firstly, according to Luke 3:23, Jesus began His public ministry at around 30 years old. In Jewish tradition, disciples or students were typically younger than their teachers. This suggests that the disciples were probably under the age of 30. Jesus even referred to them as “little children,” which implies they were likely several years younger than Him.
Secondly, many of the disciples were fishermen, such as James and John, who left their father in the boat to follow Jesus (Matthew 4:21–22). This implies that they were old enough to work full-time, likely in their late teens. Leaving home to follow a rabbi was a significant step, usually taken by young adults.
Thirdly, Peter, one of the disciples, was already married when he began following Jesus, as mentioned in Matthew 8:14. This suggests that Peter was old enough to be married, which places him in his mid-teens at the very least.
Fourthly, when we examine the later lives of the disciples, we can infer their possible ages during their time with Jesus. John, for instance, lived the longest, passing away in the last decade of the first century, approximately 60 years after being with Jesus. Even if John were in his 90s when he died, he would have been no more than 30 years old during his time with Jesus. Since John was mature enough to care for Mary, the mother of Jesus, during the crucifixion (John 19:26–27), he was likely at least 20 at that time.
Peter referred to himself as an old man when he was in his 60s, about 30 years after being with Jesus. This suggests that Peter might have been in his 20s or 30s during his time with Jesus.
Furthermore, the Gospel of Matthew was written 30–40 years after Jesus’ resurrection, indicating that Matthew might have been in his 20s when he followed Jesus on Earth.
In Jewish culture, children typically began their religious training at the age of 5 and continued until age 12 or 13. If a boy showed intelligence and interest in continuing religious studies, he would seek a rabbi to disciple him, modeling his life after the rabbi until age 30. The apprenticeship under a rabbi usually began between the ages of 13 and 15. If we assume that the disciples of Jesus followed a similar pattern, some of them may have joined Jesus as early as age 13 and would have still been teenagers at the time of His death, resurrection, and ascension.
Though an exact answer for how old were the disciples of Jesus Christ might not be accurate in terms of numbers an overview of period like below so and so age could be drawn.
Historical backdrop of 1st-century Judaism
The Mishnah, a compilation of oral interpretations of Jewish law during Jesus’ time, sheds light on the structured educational and life path for young Jewish boys:
“At five years old [one is fit] for the Scripture, at ten years the Mishnah (oral Torah, interpretations), at thirteen for the fulfilling of the commandments, at fifteen the Talmud (making Rabbinic interpretations), at eighteen the bride-chamber, at twenty pursuing a vocation, at thirty for authority (able to teach others).”
According to this, most Jewish boys were married by age 18. However, when we examine the Gospels, we find that Peter is the only disciple explicitly mentioned as being married (Matthew 8:14-15). No other disciples’ wives are ever referred to. This suggests that the disciples may have been quite young, perhaps all under 20, with some even as young as 15.
This conclusion aligns with the typical educational path of the time. Jewish children completed their formal religious training by the age of 15. After that, exceptionally bright or financially privileged boys would seek out a rabbi to mentor them further. These students often had extensive knowledge of the Law and Prophets memorized. Paul, for instance, may have been one such student, traveling from Tarsus to study under Rabbi Gameliel in Jerusalem.
For those who didn’t receive this honour, they would enter the workforce in their mid-teens, often apprenticing under their fathers in the family trade.
How old were the 12 Disciples? Probable ages of Disciples
From the above discussion and understanding it clarifies several aspects we find in the Gospels: Most of the Bible scholars did try to decipher on how old were the disciples when Jesus called them or how old were the disciples when Jesus chose them.
Firstly, if most of the disciples were apprentices in their trades when called by Jesus, as seen with James and John in the family fishing business, they must have been older than 15 but likely not older than 20. Peter is the exception, but since his brother Andrew is unmarried and they work closely with James and John (Luke 5:10, possibly indicating a joint business venture), it’s reasonable to assume they were of similar ages.
Secondly, because the disciples were found working in their trades at the time of their calling, it suggests that they were not considered star students by local rabbis after completing their formal education. Being passed over for advanced rabbinic training may explain their astonishment at being chosen as apprentices by a traveling Rabbi who was gaining recognition.
The great honor of being selected for rabbinic training, especially after initial rejection, likely compelled most Jewish boys to leave blue-collar work behind (Luke 5:11). This may also explain why the Chief priests noted their lack of formal education after the resurrection (Acts 4:13). Their time with Jesus had provided them with unique qualifications.
Thirdly, Peter is often portrayed as the spokesman for the disciples, possibly because he was the only one married and likely the oldest. However, considering that his brother Andrew was still unmarried and working closely with James and John, it’s plausible that Peter was no older than 25, in stark contrast to the 45-55-year-old Peter often depicted in plays and movies.
Fourthly, Jesus began His ministry at age 30, even though His mission could have been accomplished at any age. This delay was likely due to cultural norms; rabbis did not take on disciples before age 30, and young disciples did not seek rabbis younger than that. Moreover, Jesus needed to train students to carry on His teachings.
Matthew, another disciple, might have been an exception, as he may have needed to be an established adult to work as an independent contractor with the Roman government as a tax collector.
Other indicators of the youthfulness of the disciples can be found in the Gospels. Jesus referred to them as “little children” or “little ones” in various instances (Matthew 11:25, Mark 10:24, Luke 10:21, John 13:33). This may not merely be a paternal reference but could imply their actual youth. In their patriarchal culture, older men were addressed with respect as fathers.
Additionally, the incident involving Salome, the mother of James and John, requesting special seating for her sons at the Kingdom table (Matthew 20:20-24) makes more sense if her sons were teenagers when chosen. Her willingness to let them leave the family business and her maternal assertiveness would align with this age group. Jesus also nicknamed James and John “Sons of Thunder,” possibly reflecting their youthful boldness.
Teenagers were exempted from paying Taxes:
Lastly, in Exodus 30:14-15, males over 20 were required to pay a tax for the Temple. In Matthew 17:24-27, Jesus instructed Peter to pay this tax “for me and you,” even though all the disciples were present. This suggests that the others were under 20 and exempt from the tax.
In summary, these observations present a remarkable and endearing picture of the disciples as young men, likely teenagers or in their early twenties. Despite their youth and lack of formal education, they embraced the honor of apprenticeship under a Rabbi, especially one several years their senior. This perspective allows us to empathize with their struggles, cheer for their courage, and appreciate their journey as they boldly declared a new Kingdom on Earth.
How old were the Disciples when they died?
The ages at which the disciples of Jesus died are not explicitly recorded in the Bible, and historical records on this matter are limited and often based on tradition rather than concrete evidence. However, there are some traditions and historical accounts that provide rough estimates of the ages at which some of the disciples are believed to have died:
Tradition suggests that Peter was crucified in Rome during the reign of Emperor Nero, which is believed to have occurred around 64-68 AD. If Peter was indeed in his twenties or thirties when he followed Jesus, as previously discussed, he would have been in his sixties or seventies at the time of his death.
Andrew, the brother of Peter, is traditionally believed to have been crucified in Patras, Greece. The exact date of his death is uncertain, but it is often placed around 60 AD. If Andrew was of a similar age to Peter, he would have been in his sixties or seventies.
James (son of Zebedee):
James was one of the first disciples to be martyred. According to the Bible (Acts 12:2), he was executed by Herod Agrippa I, likely in the early 40s AD. If James was a young man when he followed Jesus, he would have been in his forties at the time of his death.
John is traditionally believed to have lived longer than the other disciples and is thought to have died of natural causes rather than martyrdom. Some accounts suggest that he lived into his nineties or even beyond, with his Gospel, letters, and Revelation written in the latter part of the first century. If he was a teenager or in his early twenties when he followed Jesus, as suggested earlier, he would have lived a relatively long life.
Other Disciples:
Less is known about the specific ages at which the other disciples died, as the historical records are even scarcer. Some early Christian traditions and writings mention the martyrdom of certain disciples, but precise ages are often lacking.
Below are the approximate ages of each disciple at the time of their deaths:
- James, the brother of Jesus: age 48
- Andrew, Peter’s brother: age 55
- Paul, the Persecuted: age 60
- Thomas, the Doubter: age 61
- Peter, the Rock: age 65
- Simon, the Zealot: age 65
- Bartholomew: age 68
- Philip: age 76
- Matthias, Judas’ replacement: age 79
- John, the disciple whom Jesus loved: age 93
- Matthew: age unknown
In summary, while there is no definitive historical documentation to confirm the ages at which the disciples died, it is believed that most of them were likely in their forties or older at the time of their deaths, with John potentially living into his nineties. These estimations are based on a combination of historical traditions and reasonable assumptions about their ages when they followed Jesus.
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5 Reasons the Disciples’ Ages Are Important
There are also some reasons on why the Disciples’ Ages Are Important. There could be many reasons but we would emphasise on 5 such reasons.
Teachability and Eagerness to Learn:
The disciples’ relative youth likely made them more open-minded, curious, and willing to learn. Their age group often exhibits a greater capacity for absorbing and retaining new information. This quality was valuable for disciples who needed to grasp and spread Jesus’ teachings effectively. Their openness to Jesus’ guidance and teachings allowed them to become enthusiastic followers and effective messengers of His message.
Longevity for Ministry:
Jesus intentionally selected disciples who were likely to outlive Him. This strategic choice was essential for the continued spread of the Gospel and the establishment of the early Church. By choosing disciples who could minister for several decades after His death and resurrection, Jesus ensured that His message would reach distant regions and future generations.
This long-term perspective played a vital role in fulfilling the Great Commission and building the foundation of the Christian faith.
Time for Growth in Wisdom and Authority:
The disciples’ youth not only allowed them to carry out Jesus’ mission but also provided them with ample time to grow in wisdom and authority.
Over the years, they gained valuable experience, learned from their successes and failures, and developed a deep understanding of Jesus’ teachings. This accumulated wisdom and authority were crucial for their roles as leaders, teachers, and authors of the New Testament.
Their advanced age at the time of their writings allowed them to reflect on their experiences with clarity and provide authoritative accounts of Jesus’ life and teachings.
Eyewitness Authority:
The disciples, through their long lives and continued ministry, became authoritative eyewitnesses of Jesus’ teachings, miracles, and resurrection. Their firsthand accounts and lived experiences were vital for authenticating the Gospel narratives and early Christian doctrine.
Reflecting Youth Potential:
The selection of young disciples serves as a reminder of the immense potential within youth to make significant contributions to God’s work and His kingdom. It underscores the importance of nurturing and guiding young individuals in their faith and service to God.
In summary, the ages of Jesus’ disciples are significant for reasons related to their teachability, their capacity for long-term ministry impact, their growth in wisdom and authority, their role as eyewitnesses, and as a testament to the potential of youth in serving God’s purposes.
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